When we come to pray and visit before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, it is called "adoration". At every Catholic Mass, a beautiful miracle takes place. Ordinary bread and wine become the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus! We receive this Body of Christ at communion time, and afterwards, the consecrated hosts that were not consumed are placed in the tabernacle. At some parishes, the consecrated host is taken outside of the tabernacle and placed in a special golden holder called a "monstrance". You will see our Lord in the monstrance as you enter for adoration.
When we come to pray and visit before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, it is called "adoration". At every Catholic Mass, a beautiful miracle takes place. Ordinary bread and wine become the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus! We receive this Body of Christ at communion time, and afterwards, the consecrated hosts that were not consumed are placed in the tabernacle. At some parishes, the consecrated host is taken outside of the tabernacle and placed in a special golden holder called a "monstrance". You will see our Lord in the monstrance as you enter for adoration.
It is scriptural that you spend one hour ("Could you not keep watch with me for one hour?" Matthew 26:40), but you may adore for more or less time. Even a few short moments in silence with the Lord is a precious treasure, for it is in this silence that the Lord speaks to us.
“The more time you spend with Jesus, the better off you will be!”
“My hour with Jesus is the most
precious time in my week. He sees me, I see Him. I find peace and calm strength with Him. He knows me so well. I like that. I look forward to my time with Him. He is my joy.”
“Jesus said, “Come to me and I will give you rest!” When I’m with my Lord face-to-face during adoration, I’m given the freedom to “Just Be” with the Holy Trinity, to “Just Be” with the One who is the Lord of all. One hour is not enough for me, it goes by too fast. Come Holy Spirit, Come now, Come as you will! Come to Jesus. Peace be with you.”
“Being at adoration helps me to center my week around God and be at peace. I have learned to unite my sufferings with Jesus and hand them off to Him while in the chapel, knowing they are received by Him with the greatest love and understanding.”
“Weekly adoration has changed my life, both through answered prayer and in the way I think about my weeks and my life. Thank you for this chapel, Jesus.”
“Coming to adoration has immensely improved my prayer life. I have a greater respect and understanding for the Eucharist. I see and experience the Mass much differently now that I know Jesus is truly present at every Mass.”
“It forces necessary individual attention to God. In a busy life, my moments with God can be divided as I multitask and time with God takes a backburner. Adoration rejuvenates me and helps me reset the course of my daily life to be more inclusive of God and to create more moments of the individual attention God deserves.”
“The post cards in the chapel are wonderful! I send them to people I pray for every now and then. One of them went to a family member who is far from the church. I did not bring it up to him, but he brought it up to me and said he put it on his refrigerator. I was so happy that Mary and Jesus made it to his refrigerator!”
“It is not often when you have time to stop, reflect and enjoy the spirit and love of God void of all life’s distractions. I spend an hour of my week reflecting, praying and thanking God for all I have and ask for strength for the upcoming week.”